Author: Theresa Schredelseker
For the final episode of the first season of Science Chatter Ruhr, Nicolas and me talked to Faria Huq, a PhD student in Technical Chemistry at the University of Duisburg-Essen. She gave an impressively open insight into her experiences as …
This week’s episode is all about coping with stress. How do cancer cells cope with protein folding stress? How do people cope with stress? In this episode, Hai Trinh, a PhD student in Biology at the UNiversity of Duisburg-Essen, will …
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of mankind. As we use more and more energy, it is crucial to make it as renewable as possible. Since renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines are very volatile, …
Florian ist Doktorand für Physik innerhalb des Sonderforschungsbereichs 1242 an der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Hauptsächlich arbeitet er daran, Elektronentransport mithilfe von ultrakurzen Laserpulsen zu verstehen. Dabei steht er seine Experimentalphysik-Kolleg:innen oft mit sehr simplen Fragen auf die Probe, weil er mit …
In dieser dritten Folge des Podcasts nimmt Alicia Fattorini euch mit auf eine Forschungsreise zu den MAGIC Teleskopen auf La Palma. Die Teleskope messen Gammastrahlen aus dem Kosmos und helfen uns neue Erkenntnisse in der Wissenschaft zu erlangen. …
What is synchrotron radiation? How can it be tailored and utilized to understand, how microscopic interactions cause mesoscopic phenomena? What are challenges and chances for engineers that enter the multidisciplinary world of materials science – a field primarily populated by …
In our first podcast episode, André Maas talks about the scientific accuracy in the movie ‘The Martian’ (2015) by Ridley Scott.…
Nicolas, Peter and Theresa met to tell you about their plans: in their upcoming workshop they want to help PhD students and Postdocs to create and publish their first podcast episodes about their Materials Science research in the Ruhr area.…
We love science – and podcasts! ? If you want to share this passion with us, sign up for our workshop. Every researcher working on Materials Science in any research institution in the Ruhr area can register. We are very …